Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Thanks for the Positive Thoughts!

So I went to the vet and am relieved that the lump was just a cyst. I can't tell you how happy I was when I watched him pop the thing. He aspirated the small fatty lump on her side and it is benign, too. He said she looks amazing for her age- he would have guessed she was only 10 yrs old! Her eyes do not have cataracs, they are just getting a bit cloudy with age. I had a complete blood workup done, too, to make sure she is ok inside as well. She is only 55 lbs! That is the lightest she has been in a long time! I'll find out by Thursday about the bloodwork. I want to make sure her last few years are happy and healthy...


Blogger KleoPatra said...

Karen, I am SO happy. As for cysts, my dog has a few of 'em, too, as well as a fatty tumor (benign). I can only imagine your great relief! Yay Penny! Keep us informed on the bloodwork results, if you would.

More positive thoughts your way...

5/09/2006 8:25 PM  
Blogger Tanya Kristine said...

oy. i cried during the last 4 years of Bears life justthinking about the end of his life. and i was right...i cried like a baby. still can if i think about it and that was 5 years ago!!!

i'm really glad Penny is okay though..what a relief!

5/10/2006 1:29 PM  

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